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Need help? Find everything you need in the app!

We updated our Help Center! It’s now easier than ever to find answers to all your Tala questions directly in the Tala app. 

Simply click “Need help?” in the middle of your home screen. 

There, you’ll find all information about Tala, such as how to repay, cash out, address issues with your account, and more. You can also directly contact Tala’s customer care team. You’ll be able to view a complete history of all your previous conversations with Tala, even if you change phones. 

To access the new and improved Tala Help Center, you must update to the latest version of the Tala app!

Tala is operated by Tala Financing Philippines Inc., a licensed financing company with SEC Registration No. CS201710582 and Certificate of Authority No. 1132. Always study the terms and conditions and the disclosure statement before proceeding with any loan transaction.

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